
by the Editors

We keep hearing it. The written word's future is digital, and the future is now. We keep hearing it, and there's evidence for it:  bookstores are closing; newspapers are folding; reading is going electronic; writing is going online.

But content, as they say, is king. Whether we read it online, on a SONY Reader, or on paper, there's nothing like reading a book, and the content in our summer theme issue, "LOST in Print," says much the same. Writers are adapting to new platforms and quieter newsrooms, but writers are writers — out there in the world, taking it all in, putting it into words for us to read. On that front, nothing's changing.

Come by "LOST in Print" and read a bit about writers looking towards a digital future and making sense of the printed past; about a closed community bookstore; about the loss of newsroom bustle; the challenges facing today's journalists; the challenges facing ancient Assyria; the challenges facing Ovid; and yes, the history of invisible ink.

LOST is all online. We read submissions electronically, review them and correspond over email, and have staff all over the country. We're part of the digital now. We believe in the power of the web. But we still live by the power of the word.


Articles in this Issue

Introduction, by the Editors
Newspapers at Season's End: Journalism, Farming, and Other Lives, by Bob Sheasley
Images from the Liquidation of Stacey's Bookstore, by Ted Weinstein
In Memory of Ink and Journalism, by Keith Miles
Writers in a Digital Future, by Jeff Gomez
Assyriology: How the Epic of Gilgamesh Moved a City, by David Damrosch
Bibliography: Ovid's Art of Love, by Stuart Kelly
Lost This Year — In Print, by the Editors
The Inscrutable History of Invisible Ink, by Penn Van Isch