Polaroid SLR 680 Camera
As indispensable as a local stat house, except when you were trying to shoot something really close up or something really far away. But what a lifesaver on those all-nighters! I grabbed this shot with a Canon S10 digital pocket camera.
Gary says HI! DRAW ME!
A "thousand poses," and apparently the possibilities are endless. From Brookhaven Creations Inc., 1967.
Tru-Point Rotary Lead Pointer
They still make them, but they're dinky little plastic hand-held sharpeners now. This baby was heavy cast metal and did double duty at preventing tracing paper from being blown off of your desk.
Electric Eraser
The electric eraser comes more under the heading of power tools, rather than art supplies. An awkward top-heavy thing. They had one at this Philadelphia studio where I worked during those Bicentennial years. It was just sitting in there in the supply cabinet, so I figured what the hell ... I'm a professional.
In about three seconds, I not only drilled through my illustration board, but kept on going right through my Alvin drawing board cover and into my wooden drawing table top. By the time I turned it off, I think it had frisbeed my illo out into the street somewhere.
Where loss is found.
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